Tommy's Theme
2012 / 4:42 min
Tommy’s Theme portrays a young boy’s vision on a divided world whose clashing adults destroy his playground.
Music Video | Original Story | Filmed March 14 - 16, 2012 | Film Red Classic | 1920x800 | 2:39 | Colour | Location Amsterdam, the Netherlands | Premiere July 6, 2012, Youtube
Reach Youtube 7M+ | Vimeo 65K+
Video Staff Pick 2012
Written & Directed By Sil van der Woerd | Producer NFI Producties, Trent | Line Producer Charlotte Scott-Wilson | Dir. of Photography Lennert Hillege | Cast In Order of Appearance Boy David Wandel | Rebel Leader / Foam Girl Vicky Wesseling | Elastic Rebel / Cop Tomas van Harten | Scarf Rebel / Cop Philip van Es | Painted Rebel / Mask Rebel / Cop Tim Holwerda | Jumpsuit Rebel / Beach Ball Girl / Foam Girl Satya Roosens | Chains Rebel / Marilyn Rebel / Foam Girl Nina Fokker | Fishnet Rebel / Foam Girl Minke Tetteroo | Sand Rebel / Cop Bart van der Linden | Cop Thomas Hissink Mulder | Afro Rebel / Balloon Rebel / Foam Girl Suzana Gomes | Painted Rebel / Foam Girl Marlies Weeting | Black Tears Rebel / Foam Girl Judith Naber | Karate Cop Geoffrey Thompson | Mud Rebel / Cop Timone Cornelius | Dreadlock Rebel Terence Cornelius | Torn Stockings Rebel Femke Luycks | Camera Ass’t Gemma Probst | Weisscam Operator Yke Erkens | Data Handler Adriaan van de Polder | Gaffer Tom Northam | Best Boy Alexander Hokke | Technician Aaron Tschanz | First AD Anne Luigjes | Second AD Mike Wijnhorst | Production Ass’t Nina van den Berg, Marielle Alferink | Art Director Tessel Spreeuwenberg | Costume & Styling Dagmar Lindeijer, Djovrie Krus | Styling Ass’t Mark Stadman | Hair Djovrie Krus | Key Make Up Robert Stouthamer | Make Up Ass’t Sanne Molin | Body Painter Elmar Noteboom | Catering Spek & Bonen, Dolce Vita | Animals Simone van de Haar | Concept Sil van der Woerd | Edit Sil van der Woerd | Compositing Sil van der Woerd | Music “Tommy’s Theme” by Noisia | Label Mau5trap | Thanks To Autosloop Rooie Ben, Oba Terminal, Wouter Nordsiek, | Made With Support From Tax Videoclipfonds | All Rights Reserved 2012 Noisia, Sil van der Woerd

About The Project
The video for Tommy's Theme follows the fictive story of Tommy, a young boy who just wants to play in the world that he grows up in. The ball he plays with is the earth. Tommy is the future generation, the earth is in his hands.
Unfortunately his world is filled with crazy adults. In the boy's vision, the adults battle each other because that's all they know to do. It isn't even about ideals or control, in Tommy's perception, they just want to clash.
In the end the cops destroy Tommy's ball / earth / future. From it emerges his vision on how everyone should get along - in peace - partying instead of fighting.
Of course that's not how they do get along as the adults keep on fighting in the dirt. It really frustrates Tommy and he releases his anger in the final shot.

The video featured many of my friends: artists that I worked with before, that I went to college and high school with. Even former roommates. Some of them were modern dancers, others were actors, free runners, costume designers and make up artists.
Everyone brought their talent and a friend and we improvised a lot on set.

The video was shot around Amsterdam. Even though it was March and usually quite cold, we were treated with warm weather and sunshine.
Several wardrobe and costume artists collaborated to turn each performer into a memorable character.